Collaboration with University of Stuttgart

A paper on coal with title “Fully-resolved simulations of coal particle combustion using a detailed multi-step approach for heterogeneous kinetics” has been recently published on Fuel as the result of a successfull collaboration between CRECK Modeling Lab, University of Stuttgart, University of Duisburg Essen, Technical University Freiberg, and Darmstadt University of Technology. Tufano, G.L., Stein, O.T., Kronenburg, […]
New paper on evaporation of fuel droplets

Congratulations to our PhD Candidate Abd Essamade Saufi! His paper with title “DropletSMOKE++: A comprehensive multiphase CFD framework for the evaporation of multidimensional fuel droplets” has been recently published on International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Saufi, A.E., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Cuoci, A., DropletSMOKE++: A comprehensive multiphase CFD framework for the evaporation of multidimensional fuel droplets, (2019) International […]